
Monday, October 11, 2010

Evidence of Tornados in AZ: Pictures

by Ken Foote,

For those of you who are aware of the tornado’s that hit northern Arizona last week, here’s some pictures and information on the damage (click on pics to make larger for viewing).

The National Weather Service called Dr. Curtis James, meteorologist for Embry Riddle Aeronautical University , and asked if he could take some pictures of any tornado damage. They issued a total of 22 tornado warnings on Wednesday morning (9/28), but had confirmed only 6 of the 22 tornadoes. They provided exact lat/long of all of the tornado tracks indicated by radar, but they needed confirmation.

Curt and I flew the areas affected and took these shots this past Saturday. The path was determined to be approximately 15 miles long and 300 yards wide (that’s right, the path width was the length of three football fields). The parallel path to the main swath was another tornado from another thunderstorm, extremely unusual.

These tornado’s registered as F3’s, the strongest and most recorded in Arizona history.

If you zoom in on the photos, you’ll see Ponderosa Pines laying in circular patterns where the tornado laid them down.

Thanks to Ken Foote, a frequent contributor to our news page!
Want to know more about Ken,
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